
Monday 8 February 2016

Making Rain, Weather Control and Predicting Wind Patterns

Wind is a sophisticated pattern and in linear mathematics appears to be a complex system, however the patterns of wind within an atmosphere while taking into consideration ambient temperatures and land formations, may not be as complex as we believe. As a matter of fact we have knowledge of many patterns in nature, which start from very simplistic formulas. It appears that simplicity breeds complexity and that complexity can reverse the same process in many instances where those systems have tendencies and characteristics which promote change or chaos.

As we learned how to unlock the mathematics, which can solve the factoring of prime numbers within computational complexity of algorithms in systems of cryptonics, we may find that this is in fact relatively easy using multiple level equations in a slight modification of our current understanding and usage of mathematics. Soon, we will then discover how simple such patterns in nature actually are.

The patterns of wind are interesting and take on the appearance of being so complex that they many simply throw up their hands give up in trying to mathematically predict it. Yet, we can predict it since we have formulas for much of what we know as fluid dynamics physics, we have laws and rules which are taught in higher math and physics classes through linear sets of equations, yet when we add additional variables and stack the data sets, somehow our minds having been taught a certain methodology of problem solving, rendering us to a conclusion that it is impossible to predict. Not so, since currently with the use of computers, XML data bases, ESRI software and a better understanding of other complex systems and patterns which we have broken through, we now know it is not only possible, but known that we can predict wind patterns and depending on the number of variables taken into consideration we can be so accurate that we would know wind.

If you are to break down the wind within each three-dimensional grid in virtual space (in an atmosphere) signifying a cubic dimensions (or any 3-D shape) and you know the characteristics that are pre-existing within the next volume set of cubic observation, before which time the wind passes through it (such as barometric pressure, temperature, etc. and you know the speed of the wind, its velocity and the air mass behind it), predicting the wind passing through the next grid or volume of space is rather simple. Although the problem seems quite complex adding up all the different volumes of virtual cubic boxes within next space and knowing the flow and direction the way and is completely predictable.

We now have supercomputers, smart dust with mems, ESRI software, as well as a pretty good understanding of wind aloft and a database from the National Weather Service. Predicting patterns of wind, directions of fire, and understanding what occurs win any one condition is changed you seen the sophisticated software of a virtual wind tunnel we know what the weather will do, where it will go, what effect will have on our overall environment and which conditions we will need to change to slow down a storm, stop a storm or have a deliver water onto a fire or into a lake for water supply. Such modeling can help us understand the effects of an asteroid or god, forbid a comet hitting the earth and what will be the most likely outcome of such.

We can use such modeling to predict pollution coming from Fires in CA or China and how they effect the entire Earth Atmosphere Grid and what they will most likely do to the current and near future weather patterns and what such a chain reaction will do to our surface plants and animals long term. We can also understand the global warming effect of burps of Earth through volcanic activity and the extent that space weather, solar flares and our own pollution contribute or take away from the whole of the atmospheric earth system.

Controlling the weather patterns will require some skill, some talent, large collected databases, supercomputer number crunching and lots of trial and error. We will also need to let lose of some of the current mathematics we use to track weather in trade for multi-stacked equational computational analysis or a different type of math based on a new type of science. Which may lead us to the grand unification we seek.

As scientists and researchers will learn there will be places where weather is easily studied and relatively easily controllable using very little energy and using the actual wind currents with minor changes in certain situations which are made possible by the terrain itself. This brings us to another topic at topic is the patterns of erosion. Anyone was the pilot who has flown over the desert, over a mountain range or even in a glider using the addressing downdrafts understands that the fluid dynamics used by water, pressure or heat, which slowly over time brings mountain into river, into silt.

Some of the best farmland in the world will appear at the bottom of a mountain range where the water has washed the sediment into a valley. Or where a glacier has grinded away rock into fine sand, where a volcano has spread itself out over large area and overtime makes with the dust, dirt and other factors mentioned into a flat plain.

Ocean currents with any crevasse of the ocean may be very simple to study as the earth spins in the water flows it is relatively constant in certain places. Near the surface of the ocean where the water is less dense and more obvious and numerous factors play a part in the direction and flow it will be more difficult to predict, as more factors exist.

However once all those factors are known it will not be as difficult as it once appeared. Now let's take the atmosphere which can change rapidly and has to take into consideration the ocean flow, temperature, height of the waves along with the heat of the land mass which could include; Urban heat, clouds, barometric pressure, precipitation, static electricity, wind, land formations, man-made pollution, man-made structures and many other non suspecting conditions and in many variations. This however should not scare away the scientists, the dreamer or the funds of those with the imagination to take this species to the next step. Controlling our weather is possible once we fully understand how it works. And we are well on our way. Unlike the Federal Reserve Bank's options for controlling the flow of money, in the Earth System there are countless levers which can be used in the control of the weather.

Any one of those levers will set off a chain reaction since everything effects everything else. All patterns in the earth system running together, similarly all waves from all sources running together. Waves of light, waves containing energy and/or heat, waves of sound, waves of radiation no matter what the origin all run together. By controlling a single factor such as in ELF or VLF of the earth at 8.5 Hz you can control weather. By changing the heat with any of virtual three-dimensional grid in any place within the atmosphere you can control the wind, thus control the weather. By changing the temperature of the surface water of the Pacific Ocean by one degree, you can change the level an altitude and speed of the jetstream, and thus changing the entire flow of weather.

Since everything is a wave you can change to a wave of UV, gamma or very low frequency, which in fact can change the surface of the water in the ocean, or at any altitude up to and beyond the Ionosphere. If you take a spherical fruit out of your refrigerator and placed it in a box and stuck a straw into the middle, the coolness from within the fruit will escape and will change the temperature within that box, a few degrees. But as we have learned and are learning from the global warming effect we are witnessing today which threatens to change the earth system, and somewhat disrupt human life upon the land we can see that we do have options. Different percentages of gas in the atmosphere will act differently under different temperatures. They will interact differently and you'll change weather patterns, a volcanic vent on the floor of the Pacific Ocean will impact the surface temperature of the water and therefore the weather patterns. This could lead to more severe weather, which will appear to us to be unpredictable, but actually it will be more predictable, we may not like the prediction but we can know the outcome.

By modifying our weather and categorizing its anomalies, we may find that we can use certain areas with highly predictable conditions as places to slightly modify those conditions to create desired weather patterns which can deliver water to crops, to help keep the world, to fill up lakes, and to provide clean and safe drinking water to the populations of the world. Let me give you an example of how this can be done. Next paragraph. Let's take Bernoulli's principal and apply it to a mountainous canyon at a higher altitude. In certain times of the year the air will be cold, moist, and the wind will blow through the canyon. If you pick such a location you can provide a chemical laser-beam from the ground and from the canyon, which will superheat the air coming through and make huge thunderclouds, similar out comes can be witnessed by kids blowing bubbles on a micro scale.

Now then, if there is a basin created by an old Lake that was filled up by an ancient glacier or water running down through the canyon where the air now flows, and if you pick a location that is boxed in by other mountains which also fed into and surround the lower ground of the old lake, then you will have clouds unable due to their denseness to make it over the second mountain range thus they will accumulate and eventually downpour rain in the location or on the foot hills or against the leeward side of the mountain range, thus filling up the old lake. There are many such locations and since we already now based on our ESRI-GIS mapping where these locations exist completing this scenario is relatively easy. As a matter of fact it is so easy, it is hard to believe with all the brainpower, meteorologists, scientists, innovators and imagination of the diehard individuals, which make up this great nation that no one had ever thought of this before.

We must be proactive with weather research, control and slight manipulations with our weather is the answer to the problem, which face us now and in the future. One could say that instead of manipulating and controlling our environment it is best to conserve and not touch those things that we do not understand yet. I hear this argument and I understand basis. That basis comes from a basic flaw in thinking starting with our belief in the belief that has been adopted by most human beings on the planet towards a certain religion of their choosing which indicates that a god or gods created everything we see perfectly and that should remain to so. I do not wish to enter such a fundamental debate as no one would change their views and "A person convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still."

I say to this argument that if in fact it is true that a God or Gods did give us such a wonderful gift, then that same god or gods also created a species and within that species a genetic DNA code which allowed us to form in such a way that we had the brainpower to understand these patterns of nature and adapt and create a mathematical system which was similar enough to parallel the original sets of the units used to describe and then build the earth system. So then, in taking this argument to the next level and without debating whether there is one or many gods, which created this system, I say to them, that it was intended for us to have such cranial capacity to move our species to the next step of human evolution and eventually to control such things.

Today we have a problem, although the problem in the ongoing trials and tribulations of humankind's need for chaos in controversy is not completely at crisis yet, it will be soon, if we fail to use that which is in our power to fix the problem. Weather control is possible, just like the airplane was possible, just like man's first trip to the moon was possible, just like ridding the world of smallpox and polio was possible. One could say that those diseases were created by the same god or gods which created the weather, the patterns and nature which include the patterns of the erosion, rain, weather, water, fluidic dynamics, wind, earthquakes, volcanic activity, plate tectonics, etc. why is it that mankind can not see through this logical rationale. It only makes sense that as mankind evolves into a species of higher cognition, that eventually we will become our own god or gods.

Small and relevant modifications of the earth's system in the United States and abroad will save lives, it will allow our farmers to help feed the world, it will allow our citizens to have a higher standard of living and better quality of life and as we take what we've learned and freely give that knowledge to the Third World peoples. We will find that the Third World will look up to us, respect to us and listen to what we have to say above their mythological religious based spiritual witch doctors and voodoo'isms which currently dominate their daily lives, thought process and doom their civilizations from ever getting past the Machiavellian, warlord like world which provides little if modern day human rights. Helping the world and the species using our knowledge to live in global harmony through weather control cannot be debated the debate has been won, I hereby declare victory, there can be no rationale against moving mankind forward.

The current situation throughout the world has put mankind at a standstill to get to the next evolutionary step, to the destiny that awaits us and to the future we deserve. We can not in good faith standby and watch the children of the world die from dysentery, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis, AIDS or any other dreadful disease or virus, due to droughts, fresh water supplies or our failure to modify the environment to support human life properly. We must not fail to act, if we fail to fix the problem when we have the capacity, the wherewithal, the technology to get the job done, then I submit to you that we as stakeholders on this planet, as human beings, as a common species are doing so at the future risk to the ongoing forward progression of mankind and to the detriment of the whole including all those children of the world and the future of the species. There can be no debate; we know what we must do, we should start today and we should finish the program.

The NGOs, the World Bank, and a leadership of the free world understands that something must be done, inaction, lack of a cohesive plan, fighting over methods and means within the context of bureaucracy cannot achieve our common goals. We must do something and that something is now long overdue. Next paragraph the leading thinkers throughout the history of recorded written time, whose words we've read and are grateful for their writings, have discussed what is needed to maintain civilization and now as mankind has procreated to the point where he has spread out across the globe in every quarter of the earth there is no doubt that it is time to connect the civilizations as one global community looking forward to the future in completing the circle. It can be done.

By better understanding the wind currents and our weather we can put ourselves into a position where weather control is completely possible. Let us not pass up this opportunity to make it so. By cataloguing the weather using one's and zeros or a new type of spatial quantum computing bitonic sort and using the supercomputer technology along with our storage capabilities brought to us and at our disposal thanks to the continuation of Moore's Law, we can find anomalies which create severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, hail storms, etc. then we can make sure that when these anomalies exist, we can put in minor changes setting off the chain reaction which will steer such weather situations away from populated areas which might or could experience loss of life, damage to infrastructure, unworthy risks to personal property or hardship to our societies.

The weather and the wind are two things we must get a grip on. If we can set the weather patterns in such away that spread the pollution created by mankind evenly around the earth as we work to lessen the pollution simultaneously, we may find that our percentage of cause to the overall global warming effect will render it insignificant, and perhaps change the trend that is currently occurring. The possibilities for weather control to assist the human race with fresh water supplies, pollution distribution, farming are so significant that they will change human life forever. By controlling the weather and learning from the process mankind will live happier, healthier, longer lives, with a greater abundance then was ever thought possible. We owe to ourselves to push forward, to press on, to persevere and to make those gods or god that humans worship proud of us for taking their creation and making it better.

After all, if your son discovered a vaccine for polio wouldn't you be the proudest parent that has ever walked the earth. I must say, if mankind was able to control the weather during my lifetime in this period and do so in a positive way and for the betterment of the whole and the children of the world, I myself would have a greater appreciation for being a member of the species. I would be proud of the accomplishment of my fellow man and feel a renewed vigor towards my own contributions to humankind and therefore feel positive about our future as inhabitants and viable species of the Planet. Wouldn't you? Of all the negative and all the questionable characteristics of mankind which are currently in play, one would have to ask; Are human beings actually a viable species of this ecosystem in their current form and present period method of organizing?

Weather control is a noble and attainable goal. First we need to learn to predict the wind, map the data and learn from action in modifying various factors, then we will be well on our way. Weather control is possible and it will solve many of the problems mankind now faces.

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