
Monday 8 February 2016

ELF Formed Terminal Gradient Clouds Negatively Charged to Collect Pollution

Pollution in our large cities blows across the land and causes health risks for all living mammals including humans. To prevent this we have come up with a way to collect the CO2 gas and use it for fuel in an environmentally friendly way.

It should be possible to make large terminal gradient clouds on the outskirts of large metropolitan areas and charge them with negative ions using microwave and chemical lasers. By creating many large terminal gradient clouds and using the relative wind to bring the pollution to the clouds it will create a slight vacuum sucking the rest of the pollution in. If the pollution contains SO2 and CO2 then this can be collected by way of balloon, compressed and used for fuel for space travel or brought to earth for fuel in Hydrogen Cell units for powerplants to make electricity.

What is not used can be used as needed to concentrate and seed clouds to create weather patterns and/or rain storms to prevent regional droughts.

For instance out side Los Angeles basin where temperature inversions keep smog in, then allow the clouds to empty into the desert regions and fill up mono lake or the Mexican Colorado river Delta.

The nuetralized ions can then be transported by way of either charge within an airship or moving chemical laser beam to the desired location.

Any thoughts along the line of these concepts please post here at the World Think Tank

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