
Friday 13 March 2015


The younger brother of actor Edward, LisYa now begun to engage in the world of acting just like her sister.

This was confirmed by LisYa through photos uploaded by him on Instagram account elisyasandha  on Monday with a caption that reads:

"So here's the story ... Long time ago I used to follow my sister went shooting when I was little mostly all shooting la. He too industrious always bring I go set. Since then I start shoting learning about all this and I really wanna be like her first.

"She proved herself a superwoman and women that is not weak but strong mentally and physically. She taught me SO MANY THINGS! She taught me how to be a good girl with dignity, how to respect people and banyaaaak again. Yes, my sister smoked like a tiger ok. But he smoked for a reason .. she always angry because affection and first I thought he was angry because I love but now already know.

"Unexpectedly I can offer with my sister acting like ya je first saw him acting but now can act together. My dream to work with her came true. Thank God, within us if you are reading this I wanna say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. We laugh, we cry, we make time fly, bestfriend are we, you and me to burn.

"Thanks for being there wherenever I need you and THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. You are a great role model, I swear. Love, your little sister, LisYa. "  he wrote at length .

Actress Eizlan then 'repost' back of the photo on Instagram account as a sign of support and words of encouragement as well as orders for his favorite sister.

"Ok sister spoiled but sometimes stubbon dah berjiwang. Perpajakan ok love you too. All the best to you. Remember us a message, in which there is no easy job, always work hard in whatever u do. Discipline is the key to success. Lesson 1. Sacrifice "  he wrote.

In the meantime, fans of Edward also provide support and positive words to LisYa as a sign sokongan.

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