
Friday 13 March 2015


Just mention the name Wak Doyok must be many imagined would look so handsome with a mustache strangely at one point held a fashion icon in this country. Really?

Not what we let Wak Doyok and mustache heartbeat. What we want to share today is a barrage of criticism against Wak Doyok fans who allegedly crazy sex after allegedly leaving a comment mingle obscene photos Kilafairy. Oh la Wak Wak little cover.

Doyok Wak 'perk'

Nak made into a story, about a week ago Kilafairy share a photo that appeared in her back in Instagram. Photos of the relatively 'threatened' that has received much attention Wak Doyok.

Wak Doyok that may turn on the photo lightning comment 'perk' followed by the symbol of water.
Gila criticized Sex

Based on our observations comment 'perk' is still new and still synonymous with sexy women and men sado. That's what we saw it. Do not know now if the 'perk' The purpose of his bike to do.

If our guess is wrong though but comments Wak Doyok that this is indeed questionable means. The results of our survey Kilafairy unfortunately dah delete comment 'haippp naughty' is.

Think well, maybe Wak middle of drinking water Doyok time Comments 'perk'? Wak Doyok invite Kilafairy water main near the water park? Or home Wak Doyok there was no water? Splash!

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