
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Article has stabbed his wife jealous husband 20 times

RESULT jealous, a husband and wife stabbed repeatedly by 20 times in front of their children, according to Mirror.UK.

Theresa Pauley is aware of the intention that her husband tried to escape after his partner was trying to break into their house in the early morning in Blackpool, England.

However, her husband Andrew, 44, could pursue Theresa before the terrorist attacks on the home page of their neighbors.

It is learned that Theresa was surprisingly loud shriek their two children who were sleeping at the time.

According to the police, Theresa was stabbed repeatedly in the face, neck and back of her body causing severe injuries on the 'larynx.'

Their daughter 13-year-old ran to the scene to help her mother, who is fighting a life after the suspect, who is also his father left the scene.

The eldest son was making an emergency call and the victim was taken to hospital for further treatment.

Despite suffering severe stab wounds, physicians managed to rescue victims after he underwent surgery for five hours.

Theresa is now reported to be in stable condition, while her husband was sentenced to 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to the attempted murder of his wife.

According to the report, Andrew to act so as not to accept the fact that her relationship difficult.

It is understood, therefore tenuous relationship, the couple had separated and were no longer living together

The couple reportedly had three children, ages 13, 11 and 7 years old.

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