
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Collagen supplements silent killer?

Collagen structure

DO NOT get one step! Collagen supplements are gaining in the community as the usefulness is said to restore elasticity and brighten the skin.

But, you know that collagen can be a silent killer?

In the market, there are a variety of products with collagen sold until 20,000Mg.

Taking collagen in quantities much can affect the liver and kidney function will cause failure to function both these vital organs.

Make sure, do not mistakenly steps, see the first condition and the content is more important to the advice of experts.

PPIM receive consumer complaints

Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) received complaints about products such as collagen supplements are purchased not deliver results as promised.

General activist Datuk Nadzim Johan said, the situation seems to trick users into buying the product.

"Normally the price for collagen products that cost hundreds of dollars by promising that it will give amazing results.

"But no one came to us saying they cheated after spending hundreds of dollars, but the result is not satisfactory," he said.

According to him, not all manufacturers of food supplements on the other hand there are a handful of trick users attempt to make money the easy way.

"They (producers) have to create a unity among themselves that there is ethical in every production and not take the opportunity to sell at high prices.

"There are also producing products based on collagen cream put harmful substances. It will see positive effects in the long term but it will cause skin problems, "he said.

He said, users should be aware of the contents of the supplements taken and not too trusting campaigns created additional food production company.

"Sometimes that comes to selling products that are friends amongst themselves or from their own family who sold the product.

"Consumers need to know a product is suitable or not before purchasing Although selling is the connection of our own," he said.

Internal organ damage

Food supplements if taken in excess collagen will invite the risk of the system in the body.

Toxicology Specialist, Department of Food Safety and Therapeutic Nutrition Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Dr Norazlanshah Hazali said, without limitation the effect of collagen will not be seen immediately on the contrary, in the long run if used continuously.

"When a product with collagen included in the body, it is processed in the liver and is broken down into small molecules.

"If taken in excess, it gives a burden to the heart need to work harder to process the material," he said.

He said, after the completion of the process in the liver, collagen will be transported in the blood to be sent to the entire body.

"Collagen will be broken down into amino acids and transported through the blood to the muscles and skin required.

"The excess collagen also can not be stored in the body instead get excreted out through urine and feces," he said.

He said, users at risk of liver cell damage.

"These supplements do not contain collagen alone, but it might be a preservative used to ensure that the product is stable," he said.

Dr Norazlanshah said, this process occurs in the kidney and if excreted in excess, kidney cells will be damaged in the long run.

He advised consumers to get a consultation from a physician before taking the appropriate quantity of collagen.

"In terms of the quantity of collagen, women usually need more than men because they are easily digested in the body," he said.

He said, wastage occurs if the body does not need a lot of collagen, but it was taken without any expert advice.

"If you want to try collagen, users should be aware of the supplement industry is not monitored. The collagen content and effectiveness of a product difficult to know.

"From a medical standpoint, taking collagen injections which actually is not through the blood vessel but placed under the skin (filler)," he said.

Seaweed does not contain collagen

WEED sea wrapped in an attractive market with a label such as' marine collagen ',' mother 'collagen' or 'raw collagen' does not actually contain collagen.

Herbalist, Bahrain Samah said that so far no scientific studies have been reported in leading journals show where it comes from seaweed found to contain collagen.

"Collagen is found only in animal body whether vertebrate or no backbone.

"It does not exist in plants. Studies on the composition of the seaweed is found in protein. Collagen is a type of protein," he said.

According to him, the protein has the chemical properties and physical properties of collagen month then can be called collagen.

"The fact seaweed contains collagen simply because there is protein in it is not right," he said.

He said, the term collagen attract public attention because they know that collagen is a protein important to the body.

"Approximately 30 percent of the total protein in the human body is collagen," he said.

He added that many women consume seaweed gel because they believe they contain collagen.

"Taking on an appropriate and consistent doses can produce a positive effect especially on skin health.

"If there is no collagen whether the protein content in seaweed help beautify the skin and helps the process of youth? The answer is that low protein levels in seaweed gel daily intake is believed not to meet the basic needs of the body to build and preserve different types of protein," he said.

Depending on the body

EFFECTIVENESS collagen product depends on the body's ability to absorb it.

Specialist Polyclinic Dr Suraya, Dr Suraya Agency said the high collagen content in the product on the market does not guarantee the effectiveness of the product.

"At age 40, collagen is significantly reduced and need no replacement. So many are taking additional products, "he said.

Collagen products available in the market serves to beautify the skin.

"Vitamin C should be emphasized in the production of collagen to the body. There are products contain collagen 20,000Mg for each use.

"The high number does not guarantee results will be obtained. The user should try and see the results for yourself," he said.

He said, no trace of it is also probably due to artificial collagen or disagree with one's body.

"Collagen injections are more effective because it is believed to be absorbed by the skin. Keep it real so as not harmful to health," he said.

Obviously, caffeine intake with collagen are also among the causes of it are not effective on the body.

"No can not drink caffeine, it's just one of the factors causing the rapid loss of collagen. If you take a lot of sugar can reduce collagen.

"Cigarette smoke and sunlight also causes collagen to break up and break down," he said.

Recommendations for use in correct quantity

More gguna should not take supplements like collagen in quantities much. Traders collagen supplements, Wan Hidayah Omar, 32, said, users should follow the syllabus is written on the product packaging.

"I always advise clients to adopt the supplement according to the quantity specified.

"Do not be quick because beautiful, neglected health problems. A product must take a certain time so that it can affect the body, "he said.

According to him, even if users eat collagen in a quantity many, he remains absorbed in such quantity that the body needs.

"The most important thing is to drink a lot of water in the quantity of collagen after eating it," he said. He also advises its customers to stop making the event unusual signs or symptoms of the skin.

Meanwhile, another dealer, Nur Amira Suhaimi, 29, said, making synthetic collagen products are feared to cause health problems.

He said that so far they have not received complaints from customers who said they had suffered health problems after taking the product being sold.

"Now this happens dumping supplement products on the market and we do not know which is genuine or fake. Counterfeit products are sold in packaging that is approximately the same as the original.

"Most of these products will contribute artificial internal organ damage because of interference with preservatives are not allowed," he said.

He said consumers should refine label on the packaging of the product and buy from a seller who is believed.

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