
Monday 1 June 2015

5 most expensive food dish in the world

DID you some food is more expensive than a car and occasionally hit a home?

Yes! Could not believe it, right? However, there are very few people who are willing to spend a lot of money just to enjoy the luxury food. This begs the question, what exactly is contained in these foods that are sold so expensive to buyers?

Here are five of the most expensive food in the world:

White truffles (Trifola d'Alba) - $ 160.406 (RM536,760)

Truffles, a rich mushroom originating from Italy is the largest and most expensive truffles in the market.

According to sources, the mushrooms are sold at high prices because of the time it takes to grow a little longer, causing the price of a kilo of truffles reach thousands of dollars.

Almas beluga caviar - US $ 28,000 (RM93,701)

This caviar is made from albino sturgeon eggs that can only be found in the Caspian Sea. Packaging sumptuous meal imported from Iran is made of 24 carat gold.

Yubari melon - US $ 22.872 (RM76,522)

RM76,522 worth of watermelon. Watermelon is called 'king of fruits' was sold at a high price for its sweet and perfect.

This fruit is the result of two types of melon exotic hybrids of the Yubari, Japan.

Pizza Royale 007 '- US $ 4.200 (RM14,051)

The most expensive pizza is made from expensive ingredients such as Scottish salmon, caviar, lobster, champagne and venison.

Not only that, the top layer size 12-inch pizza is made from 24-karat gold flakes that can be eaten.

Wagyu meat - US $ 2.800 (RM9,374)

According to sources, this is a dish of meat in the Japanese elite and the elite around the world. In fact, the flavor of the meat is much tastier and gentler than regular beef.

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