
Monday 3 August 2015

MH370 Malaysia over the areas for assistance from Reunion island

LIOW: in the investigation process to take its course to allow urge all parties.

Authorities have been trying to get help.

"In the process of the investigation to take its course to allow urge all parties. In his next of kin will be anxiously awaiting news of their loved ones who were more MH370 have suffered for more than reiterate that at this time, "he said in a statement here today.

Liow Malaysia, the US, China and France, as well as recognized representatives of the Boeing Company in Toulouse, France, was taken to a Boeing 777 flaperon found on the island of Reunion on Wednesday will take part in the verification.

"We officially flaperon a Boeing 777 aircraft has been identified as being part of the know.

"This together with aircraft manufacturer Boeing has been certified by the French authorities, the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the MH370 DCA, MAS and Malaysia International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 13 Safety Investigation Malaysian team on the team, "Liow said.

Boeing 777 flaperon was taken to Paris and Toulouse on August 1 for road transport has been.

Liow was completed the verification process will be announced once.

Carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew flight flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 last year, disappeared from radar about midnight.

Find a multinational team in the Southern Ocean by several months of an intensive search found no trace of the aircraft.

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