
Wednesday 16 September 2015

'I have vowed not know this lady'

Najib Tun Razak. - Bernama photo

WEEKEND - The issue of the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribu allegedly intentionally brought back to tarnish the image of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

According to Najib, there are certain parties tried to humiliate and discredit his leadership.

"I've never met in my life with this woman and even has three sworn in mosques, (there are) still do not believe and the matter was raised again.

"... As if there was a conspiracy to topple as a party that underpin the leadership and administration of the country," the firm said.

As such, Najib said Umno members should be smart and have the ability to filter information and identifying the new political scenario not to be misled by unsubstantiated information that could damage national success.

In the meantime, he also reiterated to continue to lead the government and the party while being supported, and confident of being able to face the problems and the challenges faced now with the support and trust of party members.

In his speech, Najib also reminded delegates about the new political challenges that influenced the development of social media.

He said that if previously used weapons to destroy and tarnish the image of the leader is limited, but with the development of social media is now all at your fingertips.

"Through social media, is now easy to poison the minds of so hated leader, made good so long not seen, but the two mistakes are made it will be magnified as if the sky is falling.

"Now this happened to me because I was president. Usually they will attack the head of the party, if the head of the party lost confidence, it was tempting to topple the party at any time, the formula," he said.

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