
Tuesday 23 February 2016

Arsonists & Eco-Terrorism

Many of us have feared that eco-terrorist arsonists would continue attacks such as the Hummer Dealership in LA and the construction fires in San Diego. These people have been often featured on the weekly newsletter at as arsonists, which is what they are. Oh they claim to be pro-environment and then they go and pollute the air, vandalize and cause millions of dollars in property damage.

As many of you know The FBI is adamant about getting rid of Arsonists and eco-terrorists. The group originated out of Canada and have used the Internet to recruit US Citizens to help in their cause, thus making eco-terrorists: International Terrorists. But what as citizens can we do to prevent these fires and vandalism. One way is to start a Neighborhood Arson Watch Program in areas near forests or resorts to catch them. Here is a plan online:

For the record let us point out the problems in Canada with the Industry and the Indians. With the clear-cutting there, with the lack of Water Quality Control Boards is an issue, which must be addressed there. This was one of the original concerns of this eco-environmental groups before they decided to use arson as a weapon. Yet they come here and influence our citizens who live in the cleanest country in the world, with some of the best air flowing over it and the best and cleanest water? What the heck are they thinking and why would any US Citizen join such a rotten and criminal group?

With the latest fires in Canada in the resort towns last year, which these people may have been responsible for and the fires outside the Bitter Root in MT, we may determine that these groups are much worse than ever expected. Were they responsible for those too? And exactly how does burning a dealership in San Diego with cars, SUVs and Hummers which are made of plastics, paint, with fuel in them help the environment? The hypocrisy of their mission is all up in smoke and into the environment; help clean air? What a contradiction. And the vandalism is called eco-acts? It is domestic terrorism influenced and recruited from International Terrorism from Canadian misfits and everyone knows that these misfits are huge smokers of Marijuana and many other drugs and tonight we saw a College Professor who says he has been studying them for 15 years and they have a point. What? What is the point?

In Singapore they would have been caned for the graffiti and shot for the fires. We have beautiful state parks, beautiful rivers and a wonderful country. I have been to all corners and to nearly every state park, everything on the Planet you could want is right here in the United States and we have a college professor defending these people. We have Barnes and Noble, Borders and Hastings selling magazines of known eco-terrorist groups. They threaten personal property and say; "if you build we will burn it." Well one day these kids are going to be shot by a landowner defending his property. And like the Deflocked Catholic Priest John Geoghan, I will not lose sleep over it.

The Nature Conservancy has the plan right if you want it to remain open, then go make some money and buy it. Of course half high all day eco-terrorists do not have jobs do they? This is a serious issue and after 9-11 how could anyone even think of condoning these acts or even attempting to justify them? The College professor who has been studying them for 15 years may have collected a lot of data, but I also have been studying these thieves, criminals and arsonists for some time (2 years) and it is readily apparent that there are no redeeming qualities of these individuals. They are by far the worst the human race has to offer as an example of our species. Think about it?

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