
Tuesday 23 February 2016

La Nina in 2005-2006?

For the proper LA Nina effect you will need cooling of the Pacific Ocean surface waters. Since La Nina follow El Nino do we believe this will happen in 2005-2006 season? Was the huge rainy season in Southern California really caused by El Nino? No one called it El Nino, but the five or six serious storms sure indicated an above average level of rainfall. The answer is we should know later this year. If we start to see that CA coastline is the coolest area in the country at least during the July - August Transition, then that will be a telling sign for us.

Even so it takes more than a few months to be sure that La Nina is really coming. Some do not feel that the hot Pacific Trend has not changed significantly yet. A lengthened and heavy Hurricane season which is expected in 2005 by climate experts will have activity which will spill over the central American nations into the Pacific Regions and head up onto Baja, we will probably see two such heavy tropical storms or even Hurricanes in that region in 2005. If you get significant activity and it pushes the Hurricanes into the Pacific late in the season keeping the jet stream and trade winds back then you will have a harder time telling if you can get a significant trend to cool waters fast enough to get a LA Nina effect.

You still could get one if the Hurricane season lasts late and issues such as Volcanic Eruptions, Fires, Gulf War type calamities taint the skies over the Pacific blocking ultra violate rays and solar activity from warming the water to the moderate rates needed for normalcy. A close passing comet could put dust into the atmosphere, fires in the Chinese Grass Lands could cause a dense atmosphere; just about anything, this is why it is so hard to predict. Meaning trying to figure out the weather is harder than hell, in layman's terms. It is just to early to say, but scientists are looking at this because it greatly effects our water supplies and drought issues. Think about it.

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