
Tuesday 23 February 2016

El Nino and Hurricane Season Connections

In the media we have heard discussion of weather, we have heard that Hurricane season can affect LA Nina, but can El Nino effect Hurricane season? Yes obviously it is all connected and last time we checked pollution and wind and rain and Hurricanes did not have to go through a check point at any man made border or lines drawn in the sand fought over with life and limb by a surface dwelling species killing its own kind. Meaning of course the Mother Nature or the weather could care less what you call the country or ocean it flows over or rains upon. It is impartial in every sense of the word. Or so say the modern one-God believer members of our race in this millennium. Previously the Greeks with their many Gods believed they were controlling it all and actually did care about the boundaries of mankind.

Still with all the data and trends and all the information collected by NASA and the NOAA, everyone claims that they do not know. No forward looking statements as the Chicago Mercantile manipulates trading based on even this friendly conversation about the weather predictions of 2005-2006 season in this article. Anything to move the market as the market makers become ingrained in predictions like the late Harry Fishbeck of LA TV or the Hippy Dippy Weatherman of the 60's and 70's dude? .

The fact is we do not know if La Nina is coming in 2005-2006, we know that it will be a big Hurricane season, but we do not know how big or how late in the season it will go. We do not know what the Atlantic Hurricanes of 2005-2006 will do to change the weather patterns of the Pacific leading into the next Spring and Winter Seasons. But we do know that we must keep a watchful eye and prepare ourselves. All air flows and weather patterns affect each other, there are hundreds of variables all interacting and for the most part we won't know which ones will take presidence in our most extreme weather of the year, but we will know soon enough. Maybe we will see you on 'Storm Stories' so stay safe and think about it.

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