
Tuesday 23 February 2016

Celebrating Our Nation and Heroes

We need to celebrate our Nation. We have lost track of all we are and all we have build here. We negate the hard work, dreams and energy it took to build this country. We need a renewed sense of what it means to be an American. No suggesting substituting Nationalism for what is really missing. We need strong roll models and leadership; we need to have some heroes too. We need both, don't you see? If you look at those little tin can rockets that those astronauts went up in to reach the moon the first time, you might say they were insane and not heroes. I say they did it to move our species forward into the future and they are definitely heroes, brave ones at that.

We have others amongst us who are doing the same today, but we do not even know their names. Help me find them, we should name airports and freeways and bridges after them now, not when they are dead, now. This way we can let them teach us what it takes to be great again. There are so many ten-foot tall dead white men heroes. We have many heroes in history some we have made up. What about the ones we have now, those we can learn from and they can challenge us to go for it. To believe in ourselves and to achieve all those things which need to be discovered, understood and conquered. Yes we see the agony of defeat, but we are not defeated we are the defeator, not the defeatee; Never give up, Never give up, never give up. We need to teach it and believe it to reach it.

We need to see the winners and we need not hurt the image to satisfy our own inadequacies in the never-ending saga of mass media hysteria of "build them up and burn them down." If we are not worthy of the top prize in our own lives, let us work harder to achieve it. Not give up, be defeated or blame others, with the help of our TV set and media pundit telling us what to think. Let us be the strong Americans our ancestors were when they came here to make a better life. Let us throw out the media's views of; us, our government and society; we need not accept such malarkey; we are great, America is great and we as individuals can be great. The Media is wrong and only trying to play on our weaknesses and self doubt, while adding to it to keep their ratings up and by watching this we are letting them. Misery loves company, fight it, and refuse to surrender to mediocrity, fight long and hard to do what is right and for the right reasons; dump the BS. No one has ever gotten anywhere in life that way.

No one ever got to be a good parent, grandmother, schoolteacher or leader without sacrifice. It does not matter what you do; it is hard work and takes discipline to be a standout. Great customer service takes discipline, just like the hard training athletes must endure. Same with the achieving in the military or grades in school. You get out what you put in. If you refuse to go the distance the distance will get you. Do not succumb; do not let anyone tell you, you are not good enough. If you are not, then change, no excuses now. The leaders and heroes did it, so can you? I know you can, do you? If you listen to the media we are all to feel helpless and wait until the next terrorist attack. That is bad advice, think positive, keep a watchful eye and stay proactive. The media just wants you to stay home and watch TV for ratings. Garbage television every night, on every channel, in every language, on every TV ever created. Why do you allow such ridiculous BS in your head? Interviewers interviewing their own reporters? What are they thinking, are you buying this, want to buy some waterfront property in the Mojave Desert?

You know it would be nice to have a few heroes to look up to and give guidance, it would be wonderful to listen to what they have accomplished for the betterment of mankind, it would be great to see who today's heroes are and where they came from, because I just bet deep down they are the same as all of us. If they can do, you sure as heck can too. That would certainly be a great thing to sleep on for those who want to achieve their American Dream. Think about it.

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