
Saturday 7 February 2015


The female apparently Abby Abadi ni in saliva not admonish religious issues, she's in love with a teacher who's looking quite handsome .. new replacement la tu .., Miss A'm not mistaken, he was already divorced ex-husband in the middle of last year. ....

Before this there jugak Abby heard the rumors were dating .. But do not realize the hell is that man is ust .. Quick jugak Abby can substitute it? Rick and family can be played Ustazah la ni .....

Miss A can know Rick tu serious indeed plotted with Abby and Abby wants to marry soon .., good things do have to be accelerated .. There is such sweet .. if people watch, they like his style ..nampak ni dah lama know .. je tu pun male friendly with children Abby ....

Iyalah, lah nak kena mak captivation woo her children together .. Later the children do not like, do not want to get married with a la mak .. Let us their self-image them together .....

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