
Monday 23 February 2015


Johan told his wife, Ozlyn Wati is a 'mirror' for him to see his own doing. The actor and radio presenter, Johan explains his wife, Ozlyn Wati also act as a 'mirror' to enable it to see the weakness of yourself so as not to miss and always focus on her career. Johan real name is Muhammad Yazid Lim, 31, says women are the main critics in many things, especially about his art career and explains he will not reach the current level without the support of his wife.

"I can not see myself and my weakness I'm the wife of a mirror to tell what the weaknesses in me. "Only he can confess what ugliness and criticize myself, especially in terms of career because she saw my shortcomings. Without him I would not be at the same level, "he told mStar Online. Johan and musk winning actress Ayda main categories of Record chart Era Award 2015. Earlier, Johan won three trophies including Top Top Record chart (Men) on Record chart Anugerah Era 2015 (AME 2015 ) which was held at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil here on Sunday night. Johan also brought home the trophy for the category Radio Presenter Record chart Comedian Record chart and simultaneously receive cash prizes totaling RM20,000 and a trophy donated Astro. In the meantime, Johan admit shocked was announced as the winner of the main category AME 2015 and did not expect to explain the victory. Says Johan, the focus of the evening just to settle its obligations as co-host of the event and the announcement made ​​him lost for words. Johan admit surprised when received three trophies at AME 2015. "I did not put any high expectations to win in any category because my focus is to fulfill their obligation as a lawyer in 2015 with a good name. "Frankly, I am surprised and almost lost for words for this victory than gratitude to God and fans who voted, "he said. Meanwhile, Johan said, his victory was a provision in the night his wife and his children sacrificed a lot to see it succeed in a career. Even Johan said, everything done so far is purely for them and awards resurrect the spirit to continue entertaining fans in the future. Johan name in 2015 with fellow lawyer Nabil and Zizan. "My responsibility big after getting this trophy because I have to work hard to prove to them that believe in my talent. "In addition, this is the sustenance of their children and wives and everything I do for this is to them, "he said.

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