
Friday 17 April 2015

1MDB: Many do not understand what is happening

SHAH ALAM - Although the issue 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) warmly debated between the government and the opposition, on average, people in this country do not understand what 1MDB.

According to a study conducted by the Merdeka Center and radio station BFM, more than 75 percent of respondents who are citizens admit to not knowing the role played by the agency.

While 70 percent of respondents who were mostly from low-income earners; do not know about the controversy surrounding the body.

The results of the poll also revealed 52 percent of respondents were not sure who should be held accountable to the controversy involving 1MDB, while 18 per cent were of the opinion that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak fair held responsible for 1MDB.

In the meantime, 16 percent of poll voting federal government, 5 percent, said 1MDB management body should be responsible for it and the remaining third of respondents did not know who should be questioned (6 percent) in the crisis affecting the company under the Ministry of Finance.

The study revealed that young voters are more likely to express confidence in the handling of cases by the government 1MDB compared with older voters

Meanwhile, the results of the study also indicated that a majority of 30 percent of respondents admit they are not sure whether the body is affected by the controversy, while 23 per cent of the poll are not sure of the question.

The study was conducted on 12 and 27 March 2015 and involved 1,011 respondents. The majority of respondents aged 31 to 40 years followed by the group aged 41 to 50 years and 21 to 20 years.

Sixty percent of respondents were shrivel followed by China (31 percent) and India (9 percent).

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