
Monday 27 April 2015

Nina Iskandar Open Lid, Accused of Not Ikhlas Veils In Social

Actress Nina Iskandar previously appeared with an image of a veiled around May last year. Yesterday, the actor under the auspices of the production MIG upload a picture of himself with uncovered on his Instagram account.

Description written by Nina Kpabia translated in English:
Sometimes you must dare to take control of your life and how to live a life of responsibility. If it is to meet and be yourself, it's worth the effort. Needless accepted story or not, it's not your problem immediately.

Nina action was invited comments from followers who questioned his sincerity hijab before. One of the comments left by his followers claimed that Nina scarves previously not intend outright, but only because the country of his birth, namely Brunei implement sharia law.

One of his followers on Instagram commented that the judgment made by the people is not important, but what is important is the judgment made by God to His servants.

So far Nina has yet to respond to any comments the fans of amendments. About two months ago Nina never upload one picture she is wearing a hat (not seen hair) but gives reason to mStar Online:

Many artists when photography was only wearing their hijab turban though. This is a sensitive issue and people who like to criticize almost always only find our mistakes.

I'm a normal human being created with its own advantages and disadvantages. This is my life and I'm not live for others, so let what they want to say.

He said it was too sensitive to be explained, and he refused to take care about the criticism of society in the social networking site.

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