
Monday 27 April 2015

Sharnaaz comment Rashid issues Mawar not know GST

Sharnaaz share a comment on his Facebook page and as if blasted Roses.

KUALA LUMPUR: Yesterday saliva on a joint Teen Goddess 2014/2015, Rose Rashid who can not answer exactly what the purpose of the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Also be a viral video, but also bombarded Roses severe as it may be. In fact, many are also described him only has a beautiful face and many followers in Instagram page but is not sensitive to current issues.

The matter was brought to the attention Sharnaaz actor Ahmad to share a comment on his Facebook page and as if blasted Roses.

"What are you people trying to reveal in the industry? Do not get me wrong. But this is quite sad if we bring into the industry. Face beautiful but education 'out'. Learning first sister, new thought of fame," said Sharnaaz.

Meanwhile Roses in his Instagram page also upload images with captions about 12 hours ago. The girl apologized to everyone for less sensitive to current issues in the country.

MAWAR apologize to all for less sensitive to current issues in the country. - Instagram Photos

"Lessons and assignments in college and my activities that make up solid every day this default on current issues. Maybe someone out there my age do not know what the GST. I learned from the mistakes and God willing will be more open minds on current issues. I apologize once again and take every criticism and rebuke to improve yourself for the better, "he said.

Teen Goddess competition has previously expressed his talent in the industry, such as Scha Alyahya, Anzali, Rita video Izreen Azminda, Ramona Zamzam and Zara Aisha.

Teen Goddess 2014/2015 published every Wednesday to Friday, 8.30 pm while on Saturdays, starting 8.30 pm will see participants eliminated until the actual Goddess found.

The program is hosted by former champion Junior Hero 2008, Kamal Adli and She Nabila and can be viewed on Astro Ria (Channel 104) and Maya HD (channel 135). Eric Clapton popular celebrities and Edry Abdul Halim was also appointed as permanent judges and a jury invitation was invited on a weekly basis.

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