
Tuesday 19 May 2015

Najib answer 13 charges including Altantuya

Najib Tun Razak

KUALA LUMPUR - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today lists 13 issues and the charges against him and his government, including the Altantuya case.

Najib in his Twitter and blog stated: "I have taken the time to look at the various questions and issues raised by some parties and wrote my opinion about it."

He then lists 13 allegations and issues such as the following:

1. The allegations concerning her case.

2. The claim that the international media to label Malaysia as Most Corrupt Countries'.

3. Allegations that the BR1M (1Malaysia People's Aid) is corrupt.

4. The charges against 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad).

5. Allegations of 'crooked bridge' - Allegation: We do not dare to build a bridge on their own land without the approval of Singapore.

6. Claim: "As President of Umno, he is worse than Pak Lah" (Malaysia's fifth Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi).

7. Allegations: (Najib) ignores the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), by setting up a new agency to plan the development of the country.

8. Charges: Service, expertise and experience of civil servants are no longer needed.

9. Charges: To wrest the population of China and India, he has ignored affirmative action.

10. The claim that the BN will lose the next general election.

11. The claim that 1Malaysia is the same as the Malaysian Malaysia.

12. The claim that crime has increased since the ISA (Internal Security Act) is repealed.

13. Allegations of government aircraft.

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