
Tuesday 2 June 2015

China ship sank, more than 400 passengers are feared drowned

Search and rescue team faced strong winds and heavy rain. -China OUT AFP PHOTO

YANGTZE: A ship carrying over 450 passengers, sank in the Yangtze River in central China on Monday.

Rescue efforts were deployed but its operations were affected by strong winds and heavy rains, local media reported government.

The poor ship, Dongfangzhixing sailed from Nanjing to Chongqing when it sank in the Jianli in Hubei province in the river on Monday evening, Xinhua said.

The cause of the incident is still uncertain, but CCTVberkata news agency it was an accident.

Eight people were rescued, including the captain and chief engineer.

According to them, the vessel was caught in a "hurricane" terrible.

There were 458 people on board when it sank at about 9:28 pm local time (1328 GMT), including 406 passengers from China, five employees of travel agencies and 47 crew members.

According to CCTV, tour boat owned firms operating in the Three Gorges Dam is capable of carrying up to 534 people.

Xinhua news agency said Chinese President Xi Jinping order to continue the rescue effort, while Prime Minister Li Keqiang ordered a task force of government to coordinate search and rescue efforts.

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