
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Self-driving cars victim of cyber attack, experts warn

driverless cars, leaving them vulnerable to hacker attacks can be overcome, experts warn.

Hackers pose a real threat to the self-driving cars, and American experts are warning, and carmakers and insurance companies are starting to factor in risk.

Cameras, radar, sonar and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) - a group of - or even on the road by 2020 is expected soon, driverless cars, such as electronic sensors have a wide range of modern technology should use the software remotely commanded, road signs and the widths of consciousness identifies bottlenecks.

But as the vehicles and their onboard multimedia systems, self-driving technology these new elements - cars was to make secure and reliable, the mission Secure Inc (US securities firms, according to hacker attacks MSI could end up leaving them vulnerable) and Perrone Robotics Inc.

A hacker recently he was traveling to the US jet electronic claims system, and to change its speed. He said such a system using in-flight WiFi was claimed.

Two security companies, working with the University of Virginia and the Pentagon, he hacked into and disrupt multi-sensor system has shown that it is possible for the driving test is taken.

A trial faced an obstacle when the vehicle was in response to changing how.

"An attack scenario vehicle obstacle avoidance system (using LiDAR) The front of the car detects an object, though. Rather than slow down, rather than braking, accelerating force", is going to hit.


According to these experts, hackers penetrate the system via a wireless connection.

Insurance premium review?

Their own independent gearing for the car manufacturer plans to update the AFP did not respond to requests.

But industry sources close to being hacked system during the manufacturing process that has been factored in.

Internet giant Google, for example, on the road within the next few months is expected to test the prototype of their own self-driving car, trying to hack into the software programmers tasked with one of the The team is considered. Google declined to comment for this story.

US insurance companies are concerned about safety, and new technologies can cut the risk of accidents is happening.

These agreements again forced to modify and premium could.

Self-driving cars because of the cost and maintenance cost embedded technology will be more, because at first, the premium could rise, nationwide insurance company told AFP.

But partly decked out with accident prevention technologies widely used by vehicles can be offset.

State Farm, a US insurance company, the bigger picture is what counts.

"Integrated and automated vehicle technology reduces or eliminates certain risks that drivers face today, as new threats emerge is likely to focus on the big picture we are - we adapt to these changes How can and continue to provide value to our customers, "the company said in an email to AFP that.

You can do that.

Google last month of the autonomous self-driving car prototype cars a big step for the program, leave the test track and were ready to hit the streets in California announced.

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