
Thursday 14 May 2015


When we speak of belief in the existence of ghosts even more so in times of modernization that hit the spot we certainly many who say this is shirk and many more accusations to be leveled. But if we turn to when our parents grew up first, the existence of ghosts that can not be denied because some of them have been confronted by four points with that thing that allows our society to believe yore. However, that is certainly a lot of ghost stories happening around the community that there are many impelled by how strong belief in science black form part of the elements of a life time ago. For this article, Borneo Oracle trying to share about Once upon a ghost story called ghost removers who had been a decorator story Sarawak Malay community some time ago.

Actually there are many terms how people call this ghost removers include ghost soccer football for the people in Sabah, ghost tengelong for the Malay community in the north of the peninsula and while in Sarawak or Brunei Darussalam is called ghost removers or tengkalan. These are the terms that are used to hold this ghost but whatever the origin of the ghost removers vocation is of a similar story of all is for the purpose of black magic. It is said that the ghost is actually coming from a woman who practices black magic. They are saying this study could separate itself from the body and their heads so that they can fly with a gut spilled. It is said that the blood drip when exposed to anyone and it will be prolonged because of scabies there is said to have blood work.

Those who practice it also reliable store of knowledge for the purpose of fermenting vinegar abdominal muscles to shrink before the state back to the body. The story is that if there are people who came across the ghost's body was then in reverse, this ghost will be attached upside down with his head. With the secret would be revealed then this ghost will end up destroying the black magic was practiced later. There are many versions of the truth of how to mengjahanamkan those practicing black magic and one of them is if they found the headless body should hastily covered his body with a cloth batik in reverse and when his head would try to find his body back and certainly not found enough to a level of vertical sun in the head will die this practitioner of black magic.

Sometime ago in Sibu, had no ghost stories removers are rampant in a Malay village. The ghost removers actually a type of ghost that likes to suck the blood of women who had just delivered and if the blood of women who have smoked would postpartum women will die as a result of a lot of blood spilled so. And that's what happened in a village in Sibu during the first allowing all residents have united to keep the day and night because the disaster happened. And at this time the average Malay village began to grow around their homes with plants that are thorny. Removers ghost is said to be afraid to approach this house because he worried fearing that his intestines spilled tangled in thorns that later. For those who have children or wives who are pregnant will begin to hang dry leaves, known for its prickly pine next to the place where his wife was sleeping. This is all done to provide safety equipment to loved ones as a ghost removers are able to enter the house, albeit only by a small hole in the wall of the house. This is the power of the devil that should not be practiced by people who have a sound mind.

Be made after the second story of innocent victims mothers are victims of human finally succeeded belongs crime were also arrested. In fact it is said that the women of the village were forced to accept the ghost removers inherited from her mother and, if it did not inherit it then it will be worse once. In order to maintain harmony in the village, the elders in the village has been unanimously to expel the woman and her family out of the village and since then no more horrific nightmare expectant mothers fearing bloodshed happen again in the village. This is just a story told orally by a local elderly who have experienced a first time in his native village in Sibu. It may be true and may also be excluded from the deck of our minds right now, but we certainly do not have to deny that the phenomenon of ghost remover is NEVER EXIST IN SARAWAK once.

Notwithstanding article Borneo Oracle for this time is not to deflect faith belief that we as humans have to because whatever faith we must believe in the One, comparable to God There is no power that can match the power of God so seek refuge from him in order to stay away from the stain of Satan, spirits and demons. As usual purpose of the article is to share with us and we always want to hear from readers all Oracle Borneo because we believe of course there are areas in Sarawak that has a different story that is fair for us to share.

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