
Thursday 14 May 2015

Women's Punyai World's Longest Hair Dreadlock

What makes Asha Mandela survive after suffering two heart attacks, cancer, and twice the stroke? According to him, his hair.

"Cut my hair is tantamount to suicide. I would feel like a zombie," said the woman with the world's longest dreadlock hair to the Daily Mail.

50-year-old woman who lives with her husband and two children in Atlanta claimed to stop hair cut when he was about 20 years old.

"I first melebatkan my hair in 25 years ago after I had a dream," he said.

When out of the house, Mandela had to carry hair that has half the weight of the kilogram using a baby sling.

Mandela took care Rambaut dreadlocknya with caution. She washes her hair once a week and give him the conditioner of hair oil. After squeezing, Mandela hair requires a period of two full days to dry completely.

In 2008, Mandela became the first to enter the Guinness World Record for the world's longest dreadlock Rambaut with a size of more than 6 meters. In 2010, Guinness decided to close the category that Mandela became the first and last person who holds the record

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