
Thursday 14 May 2015

Men Bangla gas sellers try to tease Malay woman at home ..

Not relax while watching TV3 drama, tame the waves while not read the blog 'with mazidul' - entitled "FACE BANGLADESH Taukeh CHEAT CUSTOMER PROVEN IN LOW YAT PLAZA EXPOSED" Tuesday, December 3, 2013.

Had also read the comments of the readers regarding the entry ..
Among the comments that were given and quite interesting to ponder together is of hamiza hamid
Read this: bangla increasingly rude

Harini call buying gas ..
Returning home ..
Gas was delivered by a man bangla ..

Bangla gas (gas after the park) .. u sit one person to ..
I: (In another sense heart) my Takla already married. Wks husband from work ..
Bangla gas: can I surrogate toilet ..
I: go tu kat toilet kitchen (I was standing at the entrance of the house .. as follows afraid skit that time).
Bangla gas (after the exit from the toilet) I want no water to drink)
Me: I home exhausted .. xda water, water tak.masak more .. (In the heart of this small taste from the other kind) back ok la .. u Exit gas can, the money already byar ..
Bangla gas: I have a daughter fled u .. can I try one time only as the eyes and pointed her finger down by ..
I: u back now. u know my husband the police. Near the new city hall work bangi .. well u back now before my husband knew bg ..
Bihar continues to come out of the house .. and I terus.knci door ..

# MMG want to call the company he works for complaints and evil org .. MMG bangla .. ni my mouth nk.mnuduh bangla coat organization is involved rape and slave boy sexy .. .. instead I just came back work wear robes and hoods also fall to a central level .. I confess I'm ready to marry .. truly daring bangla ni .. ni apepun left the purchase involves home delivery .. MMG xkan give in to the house .. I .. I was furious at shortkan story .. .. very very careful on all the ladies out there .. Dorgan not a bad story to a pretty young to old to .. a promise to the boy to satisfy lust interchangeable Dorgan Dorgan .. ish bold animal right ..

I thought for a moment. Mingled feelings of anger and sadness. Angry and very disgusted with this bangla tribes (not all). Sad because the influx of tribes bangla that some of these animals behave as if they are free to do anything. Malaysia is not only a land of their economic sustenance but they are also increasingly daring to come and deceive women's races. The prey is more to local Malay women, regardless of anyone .. no matter their status. Could the original je.

.. Hope to all, especially girls and women Malay .. beware .. The tribes are usually dealing. And a trend nowadays they do business door-to-door. Miscellaneous goods going sells. What is important never to give an opportunity to these tribes to enter the house even in the car parking area home though !! If diaorang came to trade .. sure there are many family members or neighbors to call together. If there is no no need to treat. (Including self-talk). Close the door tightly. Do not listen to je bila called ..

Oh ya .. if asked "je to nurse at home?" Answer je .. "A lot .. they are in the room. Sayapun husband there .." Do not answer, "Yes nurse je @ husband and I go to work @ not wait to go work husband .."

p / s - read blogs like mazidul. Dare to disassemble .. sad because many women are victims of Nigerian men and mat-mat bangla ..

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