
Thursday 14 May 2015

MAS arrested a month endanger crew

German businessman Dietmar Ross (left) has been sentenced to a month in jail by the Magistrate's Court after pleading guilty to endangering Sepang flight crew MH 0179 Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Colombo today.

SEPANG - A German businessman was sentenced to a month in jail by the Magistrate's Court here today after he pleaded guilty to endangering the MAS flight crew during a flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Akmal Maharani Aizatul judge acting as the trial magistrate had ordered Dietmar Ross, 54, to serve the sentence from the date he was arrested on 10 May.

He was charged with endangering the crew MAS, Phew Kin Soh, 48, with a raised voice and flight irregularities and using abusive language against Phew.

He allegedly committed the offense while in flight MH 0179 is leaving for Colombo from KLIA at 11:45 pm, May 9.

Ross looked calm when to appear in court charged with the uniform lock-up under Regulation 70 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1969.

When asked about his confession after the charge was read in English, he nodded his head and said, "Yes, I plead guilty."

In the appeal, the lawyers asked Zaflee Pakwanteh minimum fine because it was the first offense his client and misunderstanding between Ross and flight crew.

However DPP Uma Devi Balasubramaniam apply harsher penalties for actions Ross put the lives of the crew in danger and he intentionally did not follow instructions.

According to the facts of the case, while the incidence of Ross had left his seat in business class and ask the steward serving whiskey.

As the signal goes belt at the time, Phew not give drink to Ross and asked him to go back to my seat.

This angered that Ross ramped up offensive against Phew and demanded to see the captain in the cockpit flying.

After several warnings were ignored Phew ask for help from other crews to help prevent Ross and then a scuffle broke out.

Phew and some flight crews and assisted by several passengers and Ross finally brought under control.

Phew then inform the flight captain Mohammad Saifullizan about the incident and for safety reasons, he decided to turn back to KLIA.

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