
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Luxury watches belong to the MACC officer husband

KUALA LUMPUR - shaped Goods several luxury watches were reported missing after the house of an officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was broken into, is personal to her husband, who is a businessman.

Director of Strategic Communications Division Rohaizad Jacob said MACC MACC looks serious accusations leveled through social media on the officers that he had a treasure beyond.

Consequently, the Commission will make a police report on this issue and want the police to investigate the actions of certain parties to disclose the complaints made through social media, he said.

"MACC officers who intended to explain just joined MACC on June 1, 2015 (Monday) for office Grade 44. Unfortunately, her home was broken into on the day he reported for duty.

"This officer has made a police report on the incident yesterday and in his report, he listed the items that have been rushed into the house of his party.

"These include luxury watches and the police report he made was diviralkan through social media since this morning," said Rohaizad in a statement.

The report received a response from the user page.

"Initial investigations revealed that her husband is a businessman and property ownership is valid in terms of the law.

"In fact, since he had just reported for duty yesterday, the declaration of assets must also not be done," he said.

MACC looks serious allegations and accusations by some that the MACC officers had property outside the capabilities and MACC also seriously irresponsible actions of the police reports reveal this case via social media, he said.

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