
Sunday 3 May 2015

Oil prices may rise suddenly next month

SHAH ALAM - The people in this country will be faced with a possible sharp rise in oil prices by next month.

PKR Youth chief, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said, that possibility can occur if the market price of oil continues to rise to the next month.

"If you want to lighten the people's burden, the oil should not be increased. People now are quite loaded with GST, coupled with the problem of rising oil prices, it certainly bothers people.

"The Government generally remained oil prices for now may also fear the handler set #batalGST," he said when contacted Ray Online.

The retail price of RON95 and RON97 petrol and diesel for May 2015 will remain at current levels, according to a spokesman of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism.

Prices were unchanged for the third consecutive month, with gasoline was unchanged at RM1.95 per liter RON95, RON97 to RM2.25 per liter and diesel at RM1.95 per liter.

According to Nik Nazmi again, the government should introduce a system of controlled floating on a daily or monthly basis to help people cope with the burden of rising oil prices.
"If the government wants to create a float system, it should be done on a daily or monthly basis.

"For even if the system is made on a monthly basis, the government is still profiting from people's tax," he said.

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